Modern Republican Network
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Group for Trump era, individualistic, stereotype breaking, free thinking, boisterous as f**k Republicans. And me? I collect, organize & distribute info.

Guess that makes me a journalist; biased, agenda driven, but that agenda/bias is largely defined by my preference for being accurate even when spinning, transparency even if invested and truth even when it hurts. You?
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September 10, 2021
QAnons Aren’t Your Enemies – Don’t Help Democrats & RINO’s Peddle Smears

May 3rd, 2021
This is geared more towards people on my level, on the periphery of the nitty-gritty, I get why some people like Jovan distance themselves from it or even actively shit talk Q stuff, but I have a pet theory they only do that cuz people get so pissy over it, what with Democrats using it for months on end to harangue us (even ppl who never had an interest or association with it) as nutty conspiracy theorists. My view is, if you're not into the Q stuff just say so when accused, and if you are just say you have the right to believe what you want, even if others think it's crazy. Me, I don't care where you fall, I just care that you're actively involved somehow, someway, even if it's only a little. If you've got a knack for writing, right about what you're seeing go on in your country, if you got some tech savvy help people get around the censorship and suppression tactics (online and off), if you have a law enforcement or security background, find events to go to and keep the attendees safe from attackers, whatever your talents are, use them and get involved. Do that, and the main criticism leveled at Q ppl is nullified. If you're one of them, you're generally accused of sitting on your ass waiting for someone to save you, but a lot of this election integrity movement was kick-started by them spreading awareness of what was going on and who the players were fighting back against it, and all you have to do to nullify that criticism is stay or get more actively involved in the fight. I have no vested interest in defending Q, or Anons, but neither do I have any interest in seeing the group or label surrendered to the witch hunts of the left. So, I wrote this short piece, and I stand by it.✌🐸

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New Rumble Channel

I've been on the platform for what feels like forever as a user but hadn't wanted to bother learning the upload process. Then I got bored the other day and tried it out just to see if it was a pain in the ass. As long as the video files are on my PC it's easy as cake, so I started uploading the content (such that it is) from youtube. Going to leave out a few but I won't really be uploading to youtube anymore, just bitchute, Rumble, and maybe odysee.

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I topped 5,000 followers in like 6 days...
And it's not like I'm famous or anything.
I follow back, just fyi...

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