To anyone who happens to join in the next few days: I'm playing catch up with content published since I purchased the domain name of my website. By the time I did, predominant issue I was dealing with was election fraud. I've had other sites and been up to other stuff so maybe over time I'll share some of it here where and when it's relevant. Anyhow...
Should be done with the backlog of old content in the next few days so that's what you'll see here on locals until we're all caught up; to keep up with new content as it comes in the meantime you can go to the website and subscribe, free. Once everything is caught up here on locals to present day, new content will be shared here as it's published. ✌🐸
The older material is being showcased here partly because I didn't have a locals when I published it, but mostly it's because the information within my coverage provides context and background for how we got to where we are now, and where we go next.
I've been on the platform for what feels like forever as a user but hadn't wanted to bother learning the upload process. Then I got bored the other day and tried it out just to see if it was a pain in the ass. As long as the video files are on my PC it's easy as cake, so I started uploading the content (such that it is) from youtube. Going to leave out a few but I won't really be uploading to youtube anymore, just bitchute, Rumble, and maybe odysee.
I topped 5,000 followers in like 6 days...
And it's not like I'm famous or anything.
I follow back, just fyi...